Monthly Archives: July 2016

The mission of the twin soul


 Twin Flame Reunion T-shirt

I had that inner voice that told me about the number of true twin souls which is seven .there are only 7 true twin souls in the seven continents who are reuniting to uplift the energy of the planet Earth so the planet can ascend and awaken There are 7 chakra sites in the world ,in places that are historical and non-historical,like the 7 chakras inside the human body ,every chakra needs to be activated and with the help of twin souls who serve like portals of light ,through them that energy is activated

Once twin souls unite and got that energy activated inside of them then they can use that powerful energy to serve the whole humanity ,to make that shift from 3D into 5D

Egypt represents the throat chakra ,that’s why God chose prophet Moses to talk to him directly near mountain sinai in Egypt

But before being able to speak to God ,he had to activate his throat chakra through fasting from talking ,it said that the prophet moses fasted for 40 days!

God spoke directly to prophet Moses near Mount Tur in Sinai,Egypt.


If we put the pieces of the puzzle together ,it seems the mission of the only true twin soul in Egypt has something to do with communication and media!

Because twin soul has infinite power of manifestation ,they can revolutionize that field area of communication  

So the throat chakra sites exist in three places in the middle east 

Throat chakra: Great Pyramid of Giza and Mt Sinai, Egypt; Mt of Olives, Jerusalem.


There are 7 true twins around the world in the seven continents reuniting to make that shift happen in human consciousness,the world is in the process of awakening ,there’s huge leap that will happen in the coming years in all fields ,bringing more light and balance to the world


The Reference: